Get started today
Get started quickly by calling us at (866) 267-5194 or filling out our quick contact form below. From there we will contact you directly and setup a personalized property tax loan quote from RETax Funding.
The process is simple:
- Speak with a loan officer to collect your contact and tax information
- Setup a simple to follow repayment plan that suits your needs
- Get approval for the loan funding
- Sign all documents via a Covid-19 safe signing procedure
- Close the loan and we pay your property taxes to the county
Is my property eligible?
Most residential and commercial properties are eligible for a RETax property tax loan.
We can provide tax loans on most commercial properties as well, such as:
- office buildings
- restaurants
- development tracts
- ground leases
- movie theaters
- strip centers
- retail stores
- apartments
- hotels
- industrial plants
- industrial plants
- warehouses
- gas stations
- call for more…